Guro Lolita is the scary, spooky side of Lolita fashion. The “guro” part is short for “gurotesque”, meaning bandages, fake blood and horror themes are key!
Naturally, this means that many lolitas turn to Guro looks for their halloween co-ords. Also, in recent years with the popularity of “creepy cute” fashion among goths, and “menhera” in Japan, medical and horror themes in fashion are becoming more popular all round. Does this mean guro lolita will also gain popularity in the coming year? Maybe. I certainly hope so.
The image that springs to mind immediately for most, when they hear “guro lolita” is the image of a white dress splattered with red blood. This is absolutely the classic guro look, but that isn’t the only option!
Guro Lolita can be inspired by medical themes, and outfits based on Doctors or Nurses can be fun and interesting.
(video: Guro lolita makeup and Outfit from
Bunny and Black JSk with Chantilly bonnet and guro accessories.
This JSK is from indie brand BunnyAndBlack. It features pills, syringes and other hospital motifs.
This outfit features a skirt by Violet Fane. It shows old fashioned surgical tools, for a vintage hopsital theme.
You don’t have to wear white either. A dark-coloured outfit with some bruise makeup and bandaged limbs would also work as a guro lolita look.
(video: Classical Guro Lolia makeup and outfit from
As with all lolita sub-styles, these looks can be made into an Ouji co-ord easilly too.
Up until recently, indie brands and DIY projects were the only way to get “guro” lolita clothing, with the notable exception of Metamorphose’s “Hospitality Doll” and “Engelsbeginn” series. But recently, the brand Royal princess Alice announced a guro set to be released for Halloween.
“Dark Midnight Hospital”
What do you think? Will you try Guro Lolita for halloween? Would you like to see it become a real trend? or is just too much for you?
Vampire Ouji from Scotland