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Cute pumpkin nails for October and beyond



These nails are very similar to my previous tutorial on apples for fall, but with a few extra details. You too can have a pumpkin patch on the tips of your fingers, just follow the steps below. 

Tools for this manicure

  • Pumpkin color polish
  • Lighter color polish (or acrlyic)
  • Black polish (or acrylic)
  • Brown polish (or acrylic)
  • Detail brush

Prep your nails as desired.

Optionally, you can paint your nails a solid color then top with a quick dry top coat. 

Create a half heart shape in a pumpkin color

I chose orange, be creative. Make two bumps for the top of your pumpkin. 

Add some depth with a lighter color.

I used a slightly shimmery tan-ish gold. Paint 3-4 curving lines starting at the center of your pumpkin. Make your lines thinner towards the tips of your nails. 

Go over these lines with black to add shadows. If desired, outline your pumpkin. 

Tip: use acrylic paint for detail for added control and so you can clean your detail brushes with water and not acetone. 

Add a stem and top with a quick dry top coat.

Make some friends for your pumpkins so you have a whole pumpkin patch! If you aren’t confident in your nail art skills, you can always just do your thumb and fourth finger for accents. What other manicures have you tried this fall? Let me know!