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Four board games to break out at your next j-fashion gathering


 Whether you’re waiting in line for a panel at convention or just killing time until your tea brews, its always good to have an activity on hand to get to know the people around you. I fell in love with board games in college and I always bring a game or two to any gathering I attend. I like games that fit in my purse, can be explained quickly, and can be played in 10-20 minutes. Its also good to have games that can easily accommodate large groups of people, but this depends on your event and your preference.

 Love Letter, 3-6 players (expansions available)

Players are members of a court, trying to win the hand of the princess or prince. Players draw a hand of cards and use those cards to manipulate their standing in court to get closer to the object of their desire. Rounds go quickly, and people can easily enter or exit the game without disrupting anything. There are dozens of different copies of this game, each with unique art and flavor. I personally like the art of designer Seiji Kanai. Available in game stores, as well as Target, Barnes and Noble, and online.

 Gloom (2-4 players) (expansions available)

Each player has control of a terrible family and tries to make them miserable as possible before killing them in horrible ways. Misery and horrible deaths are awarded points and the family with the most points at the end of the game wins.  Part storytelling game, part card strategy game, the art and flavor of this game is sure to delight anyone with a macabre sense of humor. The illustrations are inspired by Edward Gorey and clearly inspired by your favorite gothic families and tropes. The game fits easily into a pocket and rounds are over in a few minutes.

Cards Against Lolitas (3-a lot of players)

If you’ve never played cards against humanity, you’ll catch on quickly. Players answer questions or finish phrases by coming up with the worst answers they can. Anyone can make this game by printing it off the internet. Since this game is lolita specific, its best if played by those familiar with j-fashion, but even newbies will catch on quickly. 

The one drawback to this game is that you’ll have to print and cut out the game yourself, but its probably the cheapest game on this list for that reason. 

Skull (3-6 players)

Players have four tiles, three with flowers and one with skulls. Tiles are placed faced down in front of each player until someone calls the round. When the round is called, the caller makes a bet: how many tiles will they turn over before they encounter a skull, starting with their own pile? The bet is raised until everyone passes. This game is easy to play, rounds are fast. Also, its easy to add or subtract players. It doesn’t hurt that the game has gorgeous artwork. 

If you enjoyed these games and are looking to add to your collection, check out Board Game Geek. This site has reviews, recommendations, and general information about other games. There are literally thousands of games out there, so you’re sure to find one you and your community like. 

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