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Wigs and Hair for Different Looks


Wigs and Hair for Different Looks

by Clover S. Laurel


An optional but very fun part of creating a lolita coordinate, wigs and different hairstyles can be a subtle way to express yourself through the fashion. There aren’t really any rules as to what you can and can’t do with your choice of hair, but there are certain patterns that have popped up in the community. So, here are some tips and guidelines to help you choose the perfect way to accessorize your head!


Natural Wigs

Bonnie Vu in a creepy-cute Angelic Pretty ensemble!


Wigs of a natural hair color (or close to natural, such as mauve) are the most versatile and can fit into just about any style of lolita. You can style them in any way you want and are safe from looking over-the-top. It is also easy to pair them with a coordinate, no matter the shade. They are good for those who enjoy the lolita style but don’t want to shock anyone, whether staying at home or going out in public. They are most commonly used in gothic and classic lolita styles, such as in the picture above.


Colorful Wigs

A winter coordinate of pink and white, bundled-up bunnies are the design for this dress from BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT.


Colorful wigs are a bit more challenging to pull off well. You want to avoid using a wig that is the same color as the majority of your coordinate. For example, in the picture above, a white wig would be way too much and overwhelm the eye with one color. It is better to use a wig color that compliments an accent color on the dress, in this case pink. Red would work, as well, but it would be a pop of a dark color that is absent from the rest of the outfit, so it would be better to pair it with red shoes.

On the other hand, colorful wigs can be dramatic and fun if you want to do an OTT (over-the-top) lolita style. This usually means high-volume wigs that are very long and sometimes have clip-on twintails. If you choose this type of wig, study up on how to take care of it and style it. Also, stock up on a lot of cute accessories!


No Wig

An image from my early days of lolita, and I had no idea what I was doing. So embarrassing!


Wearing no wig at all is a good choice for a more casual lolita look, is nice for summer when it’s too hot to wear a wig, or for if you are just starting out in lolita fashion and don’t want to style a wig yet. It’s also more comfortable if you are planning on wearing your outfit for a long time, such as at a convention or a meet-up (see above image). Just like with the natural-colored wigs, your natural hair can go with just about any coordinate (unless your natural hair has been dyed an unnatural color. If that is the case, experiment to find what works with the color you have!) Using your own hair also means less work with styling and taking care of wigs, so it is beneficial for the busy lolita.


I hope this article was helpful to those of you who don’t know what kind of wig to look for. Just like any style of Japanese fashion, even though there are certain guidelines, you can always make your own rules, so don’t feel like you have to follow the guidelines exactly. Who knows? If you try out some new looks, you might even start a new trend!