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Modeling for Lolita brand Metamorphose Temps De Fille


At the 2015 Anime Matsuri Convention held in Hawaii, I had the amazing opportunity to model for Japanese Lolita brands Triple Fortune and Metamorphose Temps De Fille. Since another amazing convention is just around the corner (KawaiiKon), I wanted to share with you some of my photos from the last fashion show I was in! Previously I posted about modeling for Triple Fortune so this time I will tell you about doing so for Metamorphose Temps De Fille.

Below are some of my photos from backstage before the fashion show began. I modeled for Meta before Triple Fortune, but both were part of the same fashion show. It was very fun!

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This time in the fashion show I modeled on the runway by myself. Below are pictures from when I was on the runway.

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I also took solo shots with the photographer at the fashion show. Below is my solo shot!



After the show and I changed I took photos with Metamorphose Temps De Fille designer Taira Chinatsu. Below is the picture we took together!


It was so much fun working with Metamorphose Temps De Fille, really it was fun with both brands! I was initially nervous about modeling for 2 brands in the same show because of the limited time in between appearances. However, everything worked out and I am so happy I had this experience. I hope you all enjoyed my photos! Thanks for reading!

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