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Tips for Buying on Lacemarket


Whether you’re a new lolita just starting out or a veteran with a closet of frills, most Western lolitas will use Lacemarket at least once. Its one of the largest markets for j-fashion for Western buyers.  Its also dead simple to use. There are a few features that can make buying on it even better, so read on for some tips and tricks.

Don’t be afraid of asking questions.

Sellers want to sell their items. If you have questions about the item that are keeping you from purchasing, ask! Inquire about measurements if they aren’t listed. Ask for better pictures if there’s only one potato quality picture. Offer a lower price and see if they’ll budge. At worst you’ll get a stony wall of silence and you can rest easy knowing that you dodged a bullet with an unresponsive seller.

 Favorite items.

Besides being a helpful way to keep track of items you’ve got your eye on, items on your favorite list will also lets you see when items have been relisted or dropped in price, which can help if you want to negotiate a lower price.

 Watch closely.

Set specific watches for your dream dresses. Lacemarket allows you to set search parameters for items and will email you a list of items that match those parameters. You can be the first to know if your dream dress pops up by setting a search for its name. You’ll get an email the day it goes up.

You can also use this look for specific items to round out your wardrobe. You can get notifications for things like “white baby blouse” or “innocent world cutsew op”. Bonus: the emails you receive will let you know how many items these items have been listed Lacemarket, so you can negotiate with a seller whose item hasn’t moved in weeks or months.

 Build up your feedback.

If you’re new to Lacemarket, it can be really nerve wracking to hit “buy it now” on that first item. Follow that up with a message to reassure the seller you’re a human who wants to buy their stuff. Make sure to let them know that you would appreciate feedback after a successful transaction. I still do this, even after 3 years on the site. As a buyer, I’ll usually let the seller know I’ve received their package with a message like this: “Just got the dress! Left you positive feedback.” Its easy and it prompts the seller to leave feedback for you.