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How to keep track of the latest trends in Lolita Fashion?


Keeping track of the latest trends in Lolita Fashion is no easy task. That’s mainly because we don’t really have a specialized media that searches and summarizes what’s in at the moment. This leaves the task of digging trends all to ourselves, and the conclusion of what’s in or out may vary according to the connections we have inside the fashion.

Latest trends in Lolita Fashion

To help you, I’ve made a quick list of sources you may resort to when trying to figure the latest trends out by yourself:

  • Magazines: We may not have the Gothic and Lolita Bible anymore, but websites such as Kera, for example, are still a reliable source of what’s going on the streets of fashion right now. Not only that, other Japanese publications, such as Tulle, Otome no Sewing, Larme etc. may help you be in touch with some aspects that may influence the Lolita Fashion altogether. Lastly, GIRLISM is a great resource of pictures and references of what’s in in this fashion right now.
  • Instagram: Right now, Instagram is the best source of trends. Following some influencers in this subculture might help you grasp what’s going to be trendy in the next months, so keep an eye on them! Also, try following some of the most popular tags, such as #sweetlolita or #gothiclolita. This will surely help your access to what’s being worn in the fashion.
  • Brands: Checking your favourite brands’ releases is another way of predicting what’s going to be trendy next. If you into sweet, for example, checking Angelic Pretty’s mostly released cuts, colors and motifs may provide enough material for predicting trends in the fashion.

And that’s it! Have you got any other way of checking trends? Don’t forget to share them with the community!