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Modeling for Lolita Brand Triple Fortune


At the 2015 Anime Matsuri Convention held in Hawaii, I had the wonderful opportunity to model for Japanese Lolita brands Metamorphose Temps De Fille and Triple Fortune. Since another amazing convention is just around the corner (KawaiiKon), I wanted to share with you some of my photos from the last fashion show I was in!


Above is Triple Fortune Designers Babi and Kaie, plus my friend and I. We were having fun at rehearsal!


Above is another model and I on the runway during the fashion show.


Above is again the other model and I on the runway doing our partner pose.


Above is our group photo of all the Triple Fortune models. Kera and Gothic Lolita Bible model Yui Minakata, was a special guest model for the show. Yui is wearing the red and white coordinate all the way to the right!


Above is my solo photo from the fashion show.


Last but not least is Triple Fortune Designer Kaie. She is posing in front of some of the dresses she designed!

This was my first time modeling on the runway for a designer brand. Let alone one of my favorite brands! I was very nervous initially but calmed down after I met them and saw how cool and nice they were. For this fashion show I also modeled for Metamorphose Temps De Fille. Please stay tuned for my posting on modeling for them! Thank you!


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