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3 different ways to coord your yellow AP dress


Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, and no, this isn’t about Honey Cake (yet). Today we may talk about different ways of coording (another) yellow dress from Angelic Pretty and, hopefully, it might help you coord your newly acquired rerelease dress (which I won’t be mentioning from now on).

Going All-Yellow

Going All Yellow might sound like a bold move, but I’m sure you’re able to pull it off! Choose pieces that keep the same tone of your predominant yellow, and match themed accessories with it. It’s good to remember that it works better with pastel yellows, but, with the right pieces, even some radioactive prints might go well in this style.

Choosing the darker tone

Going with the darker tone is a pretty popular way of coording pieces with hard-to-match colors. For this yellow dress, for example, we choose the green tone of the bodice as a focal point and used it on the other pieces. You may also try coording this same dress with both brown or wine, which can be found in the print.

The safe bet

Coording with white (or cream, or black) is the safest option you could choose. With this blouse (also made by Angelic Pretty) you can prepare a pretty simple coord that’s easy to wear during summer days. Try using a white blouse that matches the collar of your dress, and then use it on the legwear. For the shoes, it’s better if you stick to the main color (yellow), but feel free to wear white cardigans to break a bit the predominant tone.

And that’s it! Good luck with your coording!

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