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IW Book Bag Repair


This post is part of Biblioteca’s prompt for May! If you’d like to read how the other bloggers who are a part of this blog circle interpreted this theme, you can check out their website for links to all those who participated. 

It’s happened to all of us: we find a cute bag in pleather. We try our best to care for it, but inevitably it starts to fall apart. 

But alas, I am weak and human. I bought an Innocent World book bag because it was really cute. A few years later, this bag had begun shedding brown flakes on me every time I used it. Not very kawaii. 

DIY is kawaii

Rather than trash the bag, I purchased a set of replacement handles online. My original handles were sewn to the hardware, but I found some that used snaps instead. The style is close enough that I don’t really mind the difference. I opted for real leather, but you can find pleather ones as well.  You can also take your purse to a cobbler and they’ll be able to help you find a new handle. 

Angelus to the rescue

When my new purse handles arrived, there was one problem: they were the wrong color brown. Not one to be deterred, I gathered my handy Angelus leather paints and got to work. If you’re not likely to use these paints in the future, you can probably just purchase a few colors to mix together. However, I spend a lot of my spare time crafting, so I opted for a set of 12 colors that I got to chose. Now, when I need a pair of shoes in a specific color (or maybe need to replace another purse strap) I’ve got a whole rainbow at my disposal. 

I mixed my colors in a plastic palette and tested it on the old handles until I was happy that they matched. I painted both handles until they were a uniform color. Now I can confidently carry my purse without getting brown flakes all over my arms or clothes. 

What’s in my bag?

As a little bonus, I also figured I’d close out with a quick “what’s in my bag”. I have the basics with me at all times: wallet, keys (with Pretty Princess Club keychain!), and headphone. These days, I’m not going anywhere without a mask (mine is from Mossbadger!) and some hand sanitizer. I also have lots of small reusable totes so I don’t need to get plastic bags if I’m shopping. I also have at least one lipstick (this one is from LimeCrime). And as any good writer has, I’ve got a notebook to jot down blog ideas, shopping lists, etc.

Closing thoughts

Though it was tempting for me to just throw the whole purse away and buy a new one, I’m so satisfied with how this project turned out. While I still think that leather purses are a better investment for me, I’m glad to know that if I find a Japanese brand purse that needs a little TLC, I have the skills to breath new life into it. Have you had a chance to rehab a pleather piece? I’d love to hear how it went!

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